Brine Chlorination

The SAL-CHLOR-CLIMAX GLOBAL Plant is similar to the SAL system, with exception that the conversion of chlorine occurs in an artificial saturated salt water tank (brine solution).

Brine chlorination systems are well known in industrial applications. It is the principle used for the production of chemical chlorine, and has been utilised in water sanitation by power stations, sewage treatment plants and other applications.

Salt is stored in the brine tank. With potable water added, a saturated salt water solution of approximately 30% salt concentration is created. This brine solution is then further mixed with potable drinking water to a diluted solution, metered by a mixing pump.

The salt water solution is then processed through the electrolytic cells,
Delivering: chlorinated water in a single pass system.

Unlike the SAL systems, the SAL-CHLOR-CLIMAX GLOBAL  Plant consumes salt. The salt in the brine tank must therefore be replenished on a regular basis.


Applications of SAL-CHLOR-Climax Global Brine Chlorination Systems
The SAL-CHLOR-CLIMAX GLOBAL Brine Chlorination Plant is generally used in non recirculating water systems.

Uses include the treatment of: drinking water,  sewage plants, food production, processing water.

These systems are not recommended for use with swimming pools or other bodies of water where the same water is recirculated and treated on a continuous basis. This is because:
a) Not all the salt is converted into chlorine, thus a salt residual will accumulate over time.
b) The SAL system is more cost effective, being able to reprocess the saline water.

Chlorine concentrations are delivered to amounts ranging between 6 to 8.8 grams per litre.